Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dominica-A Hidden Gem

There's still some islands in the Caribbean that offer great adventure and exotic destinations. One of the great ones is Dominica. Challenging to reach from the U.S. via air, Dominica is accessed through Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, or Antigua. It offers some great Eco-resorts and adventure experiences from island hiking, coastal kayaking, and great snorkeling outings.

One of the best Eco-resort locations is Jungle Bay Resort & Spa. With 35 cottages built right into the coastline without any clear-cutting, Jungle Bay takes on a true exotic island rain forest feel that can't be matched in many places currently in the Caribbean. The spa is extraordinary, the restaurant is great, and the open areas provide perfect settings for everything from board meetings to Yoga. Trips to Boiling Lake, Glasse Pool, and Victoria Falls are not to be missed. This experience will bring you back to be grounded with nature. It's an extraordinary place.

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